Information for landowners
Landowners can report fly-tipping to their local authority to help target those responsible. More information for landowners is given below.
There are some things you can do to reduce the amount of waste fly-tipped on your land:
- Help to prevent fly-tippers accessing your land by installing gates and barriers, but make sure you are not blocking a public right of way.
- Make sure gates are closed when not in use.
- Take steps to reduce access to areas of your land that are hidden from view.
- Install or improve lighting.
- Keep areas tidy, as untidy areas attract fly-tippers.
- Remove fly-tipped waste quickly before others think they’ve found a good place to dump their waste as well.
- Supervise any activities on your land involving large deliveries. Rogue operators may deliver something you weren’t expecting.
- Consider using crime prevention technologies like CCTV cameras and anti trespass forensic marking.
- Consider employing professional security patrols.
- Put up signs to deter potential fly-tippers.
- Contact your local authority for more information and advice on taking action against fly-tippers. Successful prosecutions are a strong deterrent to potential fly-tippers.
As an owner, occupier or manager of land you have a duty of care to make sure that any waste illegally dumped on your land is taken away and disposed of safely and responsibly. Councils are only able to clear up fly-tipped waste on public land within their boundaries. Your local district or borough council may be able to work with you to target those fly-tipping on your land.
Although your local council won’t be able to clear up waste fly-tipped on your land, this should still be reported to help target those responsible.
If your waste is fly-tipped and you haven’t taken reasonable steps to prevent this, you could receive a fine or penalty.
You can read the Waste duty of care: code of practice on the GOV.UK website.
As a business you have a legal responsibility called a duty of care when disposing of your waste. You must:
- Keep waste to a minimum by doing everything you reasonably can to prevent, reuse, recycle or recover waste (in this order).
- Sort and store waste safely and securely (GOV.UK).
- Complete a waste transfer note (GOV.UK) for each load of waste that leaves your premises and keep this for two years.
- Check if your waste carrier is registered to dispose of waste.
- Not allow the waste carrier to dispose of your waste illegally and report them if they do.
You have extra responsibilities if you’re dealing with hazardous waste (GOV.UK).
There are penalties and fines for businesses whose waste is fly-tipped, it is important to know about your legal responsibility as being unaware of this isn’t a defence in court.