Repair and rewear
You don’t have to throw out your clothes just because they’re damaged, don’t fit or you’re just bored of them. There are lots of ways to repair, upcycle or even swap your clothes with other people.
For tips and tutorials on how to repair old clothes, visit Love Your Clothes.
Visit Surrey’s zero waste map to find all the places you can reuse, repair, recycle or donate clothes in Surrey.
To learn more about reducing waste, including clothes and textiles, sign up to Rethink Waste, a scheme available to Surrey residents that rewards them for reducing their waste, now!
Repair your clothes
There are now repair cafes taking place all over Surrey – simply take along your damaged clothes and experts will help you repair them. There are also websites like The Repair Finder, which provides a way to find a verified repairer for (nearly) anything.
There are a variety of courses to help you learn how to repair and upcycle your clothes. Adult learning from Surrey County Council includes basic sewing courses, patchwork, quilting, embroidery and needlecraft. Visit the adult learning website to find out more.
Swishing (clothes swapping events)
Swishing (or clothes swapping) parties are a great way to get a new wardrobe or refresh your current one without buying new clothes. At a swishing event you get together with friends, family, and others to swap your wearable clothes and accessories like shoes, boots, bags and belts.
Download our guide on How to run a clothes swapping event or view it as an accessible webpage.