Business recycling

Business recycling What is changing? The law is changing in England and Simpler Recycling will require businesses by 31 March 2025 to recycle the following materials: • Food waste • Paper and card • Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, and cartons • Metal tins and cans, foil and empty aerosols Who needs to act? All businesses that have 10… Continue Reading Business recycling

Celebrations with a lighter touch

Celebrations with a lighter touch Not long now until the December countdown! If you’re wondering how to take a more ‘eco approach’ this Christmas, you may like to try some of these easy ideas. You’ll reduce waste… and save money too! Christmas cards and wrapping. Don’t buy cards and wrapping with glitter, foil, a plastic lining - or batteries! They… Continue Reading Celebrations with a lighter touch

Short films about recycling

Short films about recycling We include video content in all Surrey Environment Partnership campaigns that are produced for Surrey residents. You can show these videos as part of your lessons to give children an insight into what can be recycled, the process, and why it is important. Recycling in Surrey 2022-23 What happens to your food waste in Surrey Save… Continue Reading Short films about recycling

Fleet decarbonisation

Fleet decarbonisation It is recognised across Surrey that changes are required to decarbonise our fleets for recycling and waste collections, as well as street cleansing services. This is to meet new emerging priorities from national and local commitments to reduce carbon emissions. Project work begun in 2022 to inform our strategies across Surrey, this has included contracting Cenex to deliver… Continue Reading Fleet decarbonisation

SEP 2025 Strategy document – Annex 1

SEP 2025 A partnership approach to waste prevention and recycling  SEP 2025 is a partnership approach to waste prevention and recycling, and has been developed on behalf of all Surrey local authorities through the SEP. Read it below or download a PDF of the report. ContentsExecutive summary Background, policy, context and vision Background Existing policy New and emerging policy Context Our… Continue Reading SEP 2025 Strategy document – Annex 1

Food waste interventions

Interventions to increase capture of food waste from households Since 2020-21, SEP has delivered a project to increase the proportion of food waste put into food caddies for recycling. The more food waste that is recycled, rather than put into rubbish bins, the better it is for the environment and the less it costs Surrey councils. The project has involved… Continue Reading Food waste interventions


Litter Littering is costly, unsightly and is bad for the environment. Read on to find out more about it. What constitutes littering? Litter is something that is discarded improperly by members of the public and usually refers to smaller items, such as sweet wrappers and drinks containers. Anything as big as or larger than a single sack of rubbish would… Continue Reading Litter

Recycling in Surrey 2022-23

Recycling in Surrey 2022-23 Surrey residents and its councils are some of the country’s top performers when it comes to recycling and rubbish. We know this because each year we produce a report that looks at the latest available statistics on the matter. In particular, we measure ourselves on three key statistics: The proportion of material that residents threw away… Continue Reading Recycling in Surrey 2022-23

Communal food bin cleaning trial

Communal food bin cleaning trial The communal food bin cleaning trial took place last year (2023) from April until November in five District and Borough's – Woking, Elmbridge, Mole Valley, Epsom & Ewell and Reigate and Banstead. Cleaning of the bins took place at a variety of frequencies to determine if there was an optimum for improving how clean the… Continue Reading Communal food bin cleaning trial