About us

About the Surrey Environment Partnership The Surrey Environment Partnership (SEP) is made up of Surrey County Council and the 11 district and borough councils in the county. It aims to manage Surrey’s waste in the most efficient, effective, economical and sustainable manner. Read more about our governance, our performance, our work and our strategy below. Our Governance Our Performance Our… Continue Reading About us


Recipes Use the categories below to view recipes. Why not share your recipe ideas with us? Categories All BreadCakesChristmasDairyDessertsFishFruitMeatPastaPastryPotatoesRecipesRiceSaladStockVegetablesYoughurt Apple and berry compote Shared by the Community Chef This is an apple croustade, topped with sweet breadcrumbs. Continue Reading Apple and berry compote View recipe Apple fritters Shared by Carmela Tomkins A sweet treat for using up any leftover apples. Continue Reading… Continue Reading Recipes

What to do with an item

What to do with an item Want to know what to do with an old duvet, DVDs or your shredded paper? Find the best way to dispose of something where you live. Start by entering your postcode. You can also click on the link in the tool to find out what happens to waste in Surrey and ask for help.… Continue Reading What to do with an item

Information for landowners

Information for landowners Landowners can report fly-tipping to their local authority to help target those responsible. More information for landowners is given below. How can I help prevent fly-tipping on my land? There are some things you can do to reduce the amount of waste fly-tipped on your land: Help to prevent fly-tippers accessing your land by installing gates and… Continue Reading Information for landowners

Fines and penalties

Fines and penalties Fly-tipping is against the law and those convicted face fines and penalties. Fly-tippers can face fines of up to £50,000 and imprisonment of up to twelve months if convicted in a magistrates' court, more severe cases receiving convictions in a crown court can be given an unlimited fine and up to five years' imprisonment. As well as… Continue Reading Fines and penalties

Check a waste carrier’s licence

Check a waste carrier's licence All businesses and traders who transport waste are legally required to have a waste carrier's licence. You can check if a waste carrier is registered by looking on the Environment Agency's public register or by calling 03708 506 506. If you have concerns that a trader isn't disposing of waste correctly there are two things… Continue Reading Check a waste carrier’s licence

How to dispose of waste legally

How to dispose of waste legally If you are a resident or business you have a duty of care to make sure your waste isn't dumped illegally, even if someone is getting rid of rubbish on your behalf. What should I do with waste that can't be taken in my normal waste collection service? There are a few things you… Continue Reading How to dispose of waste legally

Report fly-tipping

Report fly-tipping Fly-tipping in progress If you see fly-tipping in progress, please call 999 and ask for the police. Don't engage with the fly-tipper(s). If a road is blocked Report fly-tipping on the highway to Surrey County Council. If you've found items already fly-tipped If you've found fly-tipping anywhere else, for example, on a footpath, please report it to the… Continue Reading Report fly-tipping


Fly-tipping: illegal dumping of waste Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. It can range from a black bag of rubbish left by a litter bin, to large amounts of furniture. Report fly-tipping How to dispose of waste legally Check a waste carriers license Fines and penalties Information for landowners Litter Fly-tipping: who pays? View on YouTube.com

Terms of use

Terms of website use This website is brought to you by Surrey Environment Partnership (SEP). If you have any comments or queries, please contact us These terms of use (together with the documents referred to in it) tells you the terms of use on which you may, whether as a guest or a registered user of our digital account service… Continue Reading Terms of use