Trial urges Elmbridge residents to Rethink Waste

A new trial scheme, Rethink Waste, is currently urging Elmbridge residents to reduce the amount of waste they produce by offering them incentives, such as charity donations and prizes, to do so. Results of the trial will be used as evidence to inform future work on waste reduction.

When residents sign up to the scheme they access fun weekly activities (including videos, quizzes, blogs and pledges) that can help reduce waste at home and when out and about. Once activities are completed, residents are rewarded with points that can be used to enter competitions with great prizes including iPads and TVs or make donations to charities or local schools and community groups.

The dashboard also includes a carbon tracker to show the carbon savings made by waste reduction activities, a zero-waste map of Elmbridge showing locations that can be used to help reduce waste and an eco-shop where you can find approved eco-friendly products.

The 12-month trial will be evaluated to measure what difference it made to the amount of waste produced by Elmbridge residents. If successful, the scheme could be rolled out across the county.
SEP has commissioned Greenredeem to provide the scheme and Elmbridge Borough Council is supporting its delivery.

Residents of Elmbridge can sign up to Greenredeem now.