Despite being categorised as key workers when coronavirus lockdown measures were introduced in March 2020, bin collection crews in Surrey still face verbal abuse and are sometimes put in danger by members of the public. Most often, residents verbally abuse bin collection crews when they want them to collect waste presented in a way that could cause a hazard or… Continue Reading Bin collection crews facing abuse from Surrey residents
Five hacks to reduce food waste, 8 January 2019
If you want instant gains in your purse and for the planet, why not get clever and hack some everyday kitchen tasks? By learning just five simple work-arounds to reduce the amount of food you waste, you could start saving right away and do your bit for the environment while you’re at it. You might already do some, like planning… Continue Reading Five hacks to reduce food waste, 8 January 2019
Recycle your winter clothes and bag a saving, 25 September 2018
With the leaves turning brown and the sky grey, you could help save money that could be spent on essential services by recycling your old winter clothes. Your efforts could also help you go green by supporting the environment. Clothes and home textiles can be recycled easily everywhere in Surrey and doing so could save up to £4 million a… Continue Reading Recycle your winter clothes and bag a saving, 25 September 2018